Sunday 20 March 2011


The former Secretary of State (1993-1996) under the Clinton administration died on March 19, 2011. Here is the link that resumes his career and achievements, professionally and politically, noticeably his role in the developments following these incidents which has some reference to what is happening in the tiny S-shaped land in the SEA.

...Among many other things, he chaired a commission that proposed reforms of the Los Angeles Police Department in the aftermath of the videotaped beating by police of motorist Rodney King in 1991. When four officers arrested for beating King were acquitted of most charges the following year Los Angeles erupted in days of deadly rioting.

In examining years of police records following the riots, the Christopher Commission found "a significant number of officers" routinely used excessive force.

"The department not only failed to deal with the problem group of officers but it often rewarded them with positive evaluations and promotions," according to the report.

Numerous reforms were eventually put in place, including limiting the police chief to two five-year terms and having the chief appointed and supervised by a civilian commission...

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